Wednesday, April 30, 2008

J-school gender split: applying v. enrolling

I came to Columbia last January for the required writing exam. Of the 15 applicants in the testing room, only one was male. Did anyone else witness such an extreme split?

I'm trying to find out from the admissions office if the gender breakdown of applicants is different from those who enroll.


Richazrd Wald said...

I have just come from a meeting with professors from the Law & Business Schools. They tell me that a) the Business School is 38% female and trying hard to get the percentages to 50 - 50, and b) the Law School is 50 - 50 (a MAJOR change from the days when Ruth Bader Ginsburg went there) --but they didn't know whether the applicant pool was more heavily female & the admissions process kept it to 50 - 50.

Alex Sundby said...

Shira and I also took our exams at the J-School last year. I wasn't the only guy in the room -- I remember at least two others -- but the majority of the test-takers were women.

I also remember the admitted students weekend last year being predominately female. If I had to guess, I would say there was a wider gap there than the enrollment figures above.

Perhaps a lower percentage of women enrolled here, or more women than men took the school's deferment option.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can recall, during my writing exam there were a few men in the room, but they were certainly outnumbered by women, no question about it.